Heritage Payments and the CCIHR: Over Two Years of Successful Collaboration

Héritage Paiement enthusiastically celebrates more than two years of fruitful collaboration with the Chambre de commerce et de l’industrie du Haut-Richelieu (CCIHR) This strategic partnership, symbolized by the handshake between Antoni Desrosiers, our co-founder, and Michel Milot, General Manager of the CCIHR, represents our ongoing commitment to growth and innovation in local commerce.

We are proud of this collaboration, which has not only strengthened our market presence, but also enabled us to continuously innovate with advanced solutions such as Clover, a state-of-the-art payment system designed to modernize commercial transactions.

The CCIHR has played a key role in our development, providing constant support and making a significant contribution to our expansion. This alliance has opened the way to new opportunities, enabling us to deploy forward-looking strategies and strengthen our customer service and community involvement.

We would like to warmly thank the CCIHR for its trust and partnership. Together, we’re moving towards an even brighter future for local commerce, driven by our shared passion for excellence and innovation.

Héritage Paiement and the CCIHR: a forward-looking partnership based on innovation, trust and mutual growth. We look forward to continuing this fruitful collaboration and celebrating many more successes in the future.

Processing statement

L’innovation au service
de vos transactions
